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Returns and complaints

Dear Customer,

We care about your rights, including your right to file a complaint. Below you will find detailed information concerning our liability for defects in the products sold by us and your rights related to lodging a complaint based on statutory warranty.

Important! Remember that if a warranty has also been provided for a particular product, you can also make a claim under it – however, in this case, the addressee will be the warrantor indicated in the warranty. The warranty also specifies the scope of your rights each time. Remember that exercising rights under the warranty does not affect our liability under the warranty, and that the warranty does not exclude, limit, or suspend your rights arising from the provisions on the warranty for defects in the sold item.

The basis and scope of our liability for product defects under the warranty are determined by universally applicable legal provisions, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code.

We are obliged to deliver a product free from defects. We are liable under the warranty if a physical defect of the product is found before the expiration of two years from the date of its delivery to the buyer. Important! We are liable under the warranty for physical defects that existed at the moment of the danger passing to the buyer or resulted from a cause inherent in the sold item at the same moment.

You can submit a complaint, for example:

  • In writing to the address: ul. Słonecznikowa 22, 95-200 Pabianice;
  • Electronically via email to the address: sklep@tignum.com.pl; In the description of the complaint, provide: (1) information and circumstances concerning the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of the defect occurrence; (2) a request for a method of making the product comply with the sales contract or a statement of price reduction or withdrawal from the sales contract; and (3) your contact details – this will facilitate and speed up the consideration of your complaint. Remember that the requirements mentioned in the previous sentence are only recommendations and do not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.

When submitting a complaint, you may use our sample complaint form, but this is not mandatory.

Basic rights of the buyer in connection with the product complaint based on the warranty In this case, the rights are generally equivalent, which means that you have the possibility to use both the first and the second group of rights immediately: Group: price reduction/refund If the sold product has a defect, you can make a statement about reducing the price or withdrawing from the contract unless we immediately and without excessive inconvenience to you replace the defective product with one free from defects or remove the defect. Important! This limitation does not apply if the product has already been replaced or repaired by us or if we have not fulfilled the obligation to replace the product with one free from defects or to remove the defect. If the Customer is a consumer, they may, instead of the removal of the defect proposed by us according to the provisions above, demand the replacement of the product with one free from defects or, instead of replacing the product, demand the removal of the defect, unless bringing the product into compliance with the sales contract in the manner chosen by you is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the method proposed by us. Important! The Customer cannot withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant. Group: repair/replacement If the sold product has a defect, you can demand the replacement of the product with one free from defects or the removal of the defect. However, we may refuse to satisfy your request if bringing the defective product into compliance with the contract in the manner chosen by you is impossible or compared to the other possible way of bringing it into compliance with the contract would require excessive costs. Remember that a customer who exercises rights under the warranty is obliged to deliver the defective product to us at our cost to the address: Tignum sp. z o.o., ul. Słonecznikowa 22, 95-200 Pabianice. However, if due to the type of the product or the way it is installed, its delivery would be excessively difficult, the Customer is obliged to make the product available to us at the place where the product is located.

We will respond to your complaint immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the day of its submission. Important! If the Customer being a consumer, exercising rights under the warranty, demanded the replacement of the thing or removal of the defect or made a statement about reducing the price, specifying the amount by which the price is to be reduced, and the Seller did not respond to this request within 14 calendar days, it is considered that they acknowledged the request as justified.

The consumer also has the option of using out-of-court methods of dispute resolution.

Detailed information regarding the possibility for the Customer being a consumer to use out-of-court methods of complaint resolution and claiming rights, and the rules of access to these procedures are available on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at the address: https://uokik.gov.pl/pozasadowe_rozwiazywanie_sporow_konsumenckich.php.

There is also a contact point at the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (phone: 22 55 60 333, email: kontakt.adr@uokik.gov.pl or postal address: Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1, 00-030 Warsaw.), whose tasks include, among others, assisting consumers in matters concerning out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes.

The consumer has the following exemplary possibilities to use out-of-court methods of complaint resolution and claiming rights: (1) an application for dispute resolution to the permanent amicable consumer court (more information on the website: http://www.spsk.wiih.org.pl/); (2) an application for out-of-court resolution of a dispute to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection (more information on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at the address: https://uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq595); (3) assistance of the district (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (more information on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection); (4) an online ODR platform available at the address: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Tignum sp. z o.o. ul. Słonecznikowa 22 95-200 Pabianice